Monday, March 07, 2005


(81 x 65 cm )
Pierre-Auguste Renoir 皮埃爾-奧古斯特.雷諾阿
Woman, Torso in the Sun, 1875

(107 x 73 cm )
Claude Monet 克勞德.莫奈
Rouen Cathedral, the Portal. Harmony in Brown, 1892

(100 x 65 cm )
Claude Monet 克勞德.莫奈
Rouen Cathedral at the End of Day, Sunlight Effect, 1892

(81 x 50.5 cm )
Claude Monet 克勞德.莫奈
Rue Montorgueil, Paris. Celebration of 30 June 1878, 1878
《巴黎蒙特戈依街道:1878 年6 月30 日節日》1878

(30 x 41 cm )
Paul Cezanne 保羅.塞尚
Sugar Bowl, Pears and the Blue Cup, circa 1865 - 1866
《靜物:糖罐、梨和藍色的杯子》約1865 - 1866




街上的宣傳 (真跡:85 x 75 cm)
Edgar Degas 埃德加.德加
The Dance Class, 1873 - 1876
《舞蹈課》1873 - 1876

街上的宣傳 (真跡:92 x 68 cm)
Edgar Degas 埃德加.德加
In the Cafe, the Absinthe Drinker, 1875 - 1876
《咖啡館》(又名《苦艾酒》) 1875 - 1876

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