Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I should

I couldn't stand still
don't you mess my world up any more

I'm not a concept
I'm not an experiment
I am only human
I cannot change my feelings every second
just like what you do to your writings in your blog

say it
you just enjoy flirt around and around
I have no idea how funny it is
I don't understand what you try to prove
I can't read you
and don't want to
from now on

you came then touched me then kissed me
we exchanged our mildness
we shared our languages
we seem like could be soulmate

but everytime
you just forget me immediately
once we kiss goodbye and turn around
again and again

why and how you do that

all I realize at the end is
I won't be one of your possibilites
no matter what I do how I try

I feel like standing on a huge snowball
I cannot breath
I'm freezing
I fear to move
it comes crashing down and bury me
even just a light act

I should leap
leap from this stupid snowball
I should
I should

I should

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