Monday, December 28, 2009

MAN MAN: The Boombox

聖誕那夜,年華帶來的歌是Man Man 的Engwish Bwudd,

到youtube 由Man Man 出發,
繼而看了一堆Take Away Show,接著,中毒了。
另外都沒想過一部DV 就可以拍得這麼有型、收音這麼靚。


only time will tell if I'll allow
the scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
even though I know it won't work out in the long run
so I burn down the walls, breathe like a shadow
those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak forgotten language
I fall in the sea but forget how to swim

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
and nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

but only time will tell if I'll allow
the scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
even though I know it won't work out in the long run
so I burn down Nepal, breathe like a shadow
those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak defeated language
I fall in the street as I howl at the moon

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
and nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have


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